Extended Day & Falcon's Ledge
Extended Day
St. Thomas School provides a variety of Extended Day activities for those students who arrive before school begins or who remain at school in the afternoon. Extended Day is a relatively unstructured time when students can engage in open-ended activities such as board games, art, block-building, and great conversation. Students are also provided a quiet place to complete homework or work on individual projects. One of the greatest benefits of Extended Day is the opportunity to interact with peers from across the various grade levels. Students in preschool through eighth grade are welcome to attend.
Advance Notice
For licensing and planning, please register for Extended Day or Falcon's Ledge on SchoolPass at least 24 hours before attendance.
The daily charge for morning Extended Day care is $11.50. The charge for morning Extended Day will be assessed for students arriving any time between 7:30 and 8:05 a.m. Any student through 6th grade arriving at St. Thomas School before 8:05 a.m. will be required to check into morning Extended Day (7th and 8th graders are not required to check into morning Extended Day).
The fee for afternoon Extended Day care is $15.25/hour, billed by the quarter hour. Any student not picked up by 3:30 p.m. after school will be required to check into Afternoon Extended Day/Falcon's Ledge. The minimum daily charge for Afternoon Extended Day will be one hour ($15.25) for any stay up to 60 minutes. A late fee of $25.00 per each 10-minute period will be charged (per child) if students are not picked up by Extended Day’s 6:00 p.m. closing time.
Charges will accumulate monthly and be reflected on the electronic statement posted each month. Students will be denied Extended Day privileges if their account becomes more than 60 days past due.
Morning Extended Day
Morning Extended Day is 7:30-8:05 a.m. and is held in the Specialist Plaza.
Afternoon Extended Day
Afternoon Extended Day begins at 3:20 p.m. and closes at 6:00 p.m. Students will attend Extended Day outside until 4:15 p.m., and then will be split into grade level cohorts in the specialist plaza. Middle School students will be checked into Extended Day in the specialist plaza after 4:30 p.m. Actual time (rounded to the nearest half hour) will be billed for students who come to Extended Day at 4:30.
Falcon’s Ledge (Middle School After-School Club)
Each day after school, the Middle School Plaza is open to all Middle School students in grades 5-8 from 3:20 to 4:30 p.m. free of charge. This special club setting will allow students to complete homework, participate in some quiet socializing, and even play strategy games. STS staff will supervise this club and students may ask them for assistance with homework, research/project work, finding resources, or getting some podcasts or movies made!
Middle School students may leave Falcon’s Ledge and walk or bike home if parents have given permission through the Parent Portal.
If your Middle Schooler does not have permission to leave the building, they will go to Extended Day.
Please see Middle School eNews for more information.
Attending Extended Day after Special Programs
Students who are enrolled in classes or clubs will be checked into Extended Day if their parents do not pick them up immediately after the program. Actual time (rounded to the nearest half hour), not the minimum one-hour charge, will apply in this instance.