Ways to Give
Credit Card
Our secure Online Giving portal is the fastest and easiest way to make your gift to St. Thomas School. You will receive an immediate confirmation once your credit card information has been submitted. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
You may also use our secure Online Giving portal to make a donation from your checking account. You will receive an immediate confirmation email once your information has been submitted.
Please make checks payable to St. Thomas School, note the purpose of your gift, and mail to:
Development Office
St. Thomas School
8300 NE 12th Street
Medina, WA 98039
Giving a gift of stock will often create tax savings for the donor. Please authorize your broker to transfer ownership of stock to St. Thomas School’s Morgan Stanley account. Be sure to contact the development office at development@stthomasschool.org to notify us of the transaction and include the name of the stock, number of shares, and purpose of your donation.
Account Name: St. Thomas School
Tax ID Number: 91-0840110
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management DTC Number: 0015
Account Number: 924-028643-175
Contact: Alyssa.Drew@morganstanleypwm.com
+1 206 344-3530 Direct
When making an end-of-year gift of stock, be careful to allow ample time for your instructions to be fulfilled. Only gifts made within a calendar year are deductible for that tax year.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Help St. Thomas School receive double, or even triple, the amount of your gift! Many businesses match the personal gifts made by employees, retirees, and family members to educational institutions. Contact your employer’s charitable giving program to apply for your company match.
St. Thomas School is a 501 (c)(3) organization; gifts to the school are tax deductible (Federal Tax ID# 91-0840110) to the extent provided by law.